Seeley was adopted in 2017, at 16 months old, from India and came to her new home in Wyoming. In addition to her bilateral cleft lip and palate, she was recovering from hepatitis and had giardiasis. Upon arrival in the US her new parents began working with the amazing cleft team at Salt Lake City Children's Hospital. The way she had learned to eat and drink as a baby was to use her hand to more food and liquid further back. Unfortunately this caused additional widening of the cleft in her palate. She has had 5 surgical procedures thus far, including graft and nasal reconstruction work. She will have a second bone graft attempt in another year or so. Seeley is four years old; full of energy, tough as nails, and a fun little person! She enjoys walks, bike rides, playing with her brothers and sister, and loves dogs more than anyone we know. She has speech therapy twice a week and will start kindergarten next fall.
With lots of adoption travel expenses and an immediate need for medical care upon returning to the US with Seeley, the Mia Moo Fund stepped in to help us at a critical time. It made us feel loved and supported, and we are so thankful to be part of the Mia Moo family. Glenn (Seeley's dad)