Eva was born with a Pierre Robin cleft palate. It was corrected close to her first birthday and she is currently excelling at speech therapy. She loves using those speech skills to tell stories, especially funny ones and chat with friends and family. She loves to play games with her family, jump on the trampoline with her siblings, read books to her younger brothers, manage her family’s wardrobe, enjoy girls’ night with her big sister and fellow cleft cutie, Hannah, and delight her mother with the made-up tunes she beautifully hums throughout various activities. "We cannot think about Mia Moo Fund without feelings of love, joy and gratefulness flooding our hearts. In so many ways they are a beacon of hope. Hope that God provides in remarkable ways through remarkable people. Hope through community that mutually encourages each other as we walk through varying stages of similar journeys. We always look forward to connecting with our Mia Moo family at the fun day because there is so much hope, healing and encouragement in this network of people that Mia Moo has poured into and built up who continue to advise, encourage and pray for each other throughout the year. We will never be able to express our abundant gratitude to these loving people who are Mia Moo." ~Eva's mom.