I remember that call like yesterday, my ob-gyn called, I had known her for 4 years and for her to call me, my heart sank. Cleft lip and palate is all I heard before it went black. What did I do wrong? What is his life going to look like? How am I going to afford all these surgeries? I can't believe in just 4 short years Elliott has had 6 surgeries. Luckily I think we have a few years "surgery free" until it's time for his bone graft. 
He has made a lot of progress. His two older brothers keep him busy. He is a very strong willed boy but can and will do anything he sets his mind to do. He loves to play with Kinetic Sand, Play-doh and to ride bikes and swim. He also likes to pick his nose with his tongue (like Stitch) to freak people out. He loves preschool and will be going into kindergarten in the fall. 

Mia Moo is such a wonderful organization and has helped with so many opportunities for Elliott. We will always be grateful and blessed to be a part of this extended family. They truly care about these kids and their families. When we went to Mia Moo FunDay, I didn't realize that I would make life long friends that I consider family. I don't know what we would have done without them. Thank you!!        ~Brandi (Elliott's mom)