November Newsletter

November Reflection 
Happy Thanksgiving y'all! 

This month I did school, school, and more school. Thankfully, Thanksgiving break came and I got to spend an entire week with friends and family. The food we had for the holiday was some of the best ever and something that is definitely missing from my college house! Finals start next week and then, praise the Lord it is Christmas Break!
I hope this month was amazing for all of you and you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Happy Holidays y'all! 
Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with all things MIA MOO!
FACEBOOK: @Mia Moo Fund
INSTAGRAM: @miamoofund

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Rhett is such a happy baby and he is loved tremendously! Rhett is 7 months old and has the brightest smile! He has the happiest laugh and can brighten a room with his contagious smile. Rhett has faced many adversities but has developed such a determination that I never knew was possible. We are forever grateful for the Mia Moo Fund for the blessing of his forever smile! - Rhetts Family
Mack is a wonderful kid. He loves cars/trucks, climbing on everything and anything, he loves playing with his older brother, Peyton and to give kisses to his pets (Otto, O’Malley and Taco) He loves being outside and running around our neighborhood. He is fearless and so strong. When we found out we were pregnant with Mack, I told my husband I knew two things: I was going to be the mother of boys and this baby was going to be strong. I was 100% correct. He has shown that he isn’t only physically strong (lifting things heavier than him) but also mentally strong. He has gone through all his surgeries with the best attitude. He amazes us every day! We are lucky to call him our son. We love him like crazy and we can’t wait to see where his future takes him. ~ Mack’s Mom
Kobe Joe is an active and imaginative young man who loves Fortnite, fishing and his family. He is a compassionate big brother to his 2 younger siblings. He loves science and wants to be a nurse when he grows up. 
~ Kobe’s Mom
Mia and her dad catching 12 fish in a half hour! Not sure who is more excited that Mia is home for Thanksgiving break! 
"Hey all! It's the Lipscomb crew who volunteered to help with this years MiaMooFunDay!
Not going to lie, we were a little nervous to drive 8 hours down to a little town in Louisiana. We had no idea what this weekend was going to look like, but boy did it exceed all of our expectations! On Friday night, we ate some of the best food ever (jambalaya), and spent some time with one another, which created new sweet friendships. On Saturday the fun began and after the day was over, we all shared our different versions of what the day was like to us. We ended the night jumping in the pool and making amazing memories.
That weekend is something we will never forget and we cannot wait for next year! Thank you for having us MiaMoo!
         The Lipscomb Crew" 
This cuddly cow is soft with black and white fur and sports a Mia Moo bandana. Looks like a cow but feels like a classic teddy bear. This cow is 11" from head to toe and has hypoallergenic fiber fill.
Makes a great Christmas gift!
Click Here

November Monthly Reflection

3 families helped with financial assistance in November
180 families helped with financial assistance to date
$728,000.00 in financial assistance awarded 

$3,000 donated in November

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