Meet Paige

She was born in December 2021 in Colorado to parents who were over the moon excited to finally meet her. She was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate and had her lip repair surgery and ear tubes placed in February 2022. It was both sad and stressful to watch our baby go into surgery, and so hard to say goodbye to the first smile we fell in love with. We can't take away all the bumps in our child's journey but we try our best to 'soften' them by giving her all the love, all the cuddles and as much time in our arms as she wants. Her palate repair surgery is next for her and we know that while it will again be hard to see her struggle, we will be there for recovery and together we can get through it. Paige is a social and happy baby girl who loves to wiggle and kick, grab anything close to her, and laugh at her parents. She is the biggest joy to us and we are so lucky to get to support her as she grows. We are so thankful to the Mia Moo Foundation for their support and for the positive messaging they share in the cleft community!  ~Paige's Mom