February Newsletter

(click to play)
by Missy Robertson
The cleft journey is not a quick fix as most people, including myself at one time, assume. Most people think it’s one surgery to “fix” the look of the lip and then you must live with whatever result is left. Maybe that is in fact the way it once was, but praise the Lord for innovation, dreamers and technology. Because of wonderful breakthroughs in American medicine, cleft patients have the hope of living a completely normal life. Every cleft case is unique, some patients have less surgeries than others. Other patients, like our Mia, must accept the fact that their condition requires constant care. With this care comes multiple surgeries and procedures. 

On March 17th Mia will undergo #13 in her 17 years. If all goes well, this will be her final major surgery. It’s a big one. Dr. David Genecov and team will break both upper and lower jaws on both sides, reposition and reattach. It’s called a distraction. It’s the second one that she has had. Her first distraction required a 12-week recovery. This distraction anticipates a shorter but more intensive recovery. 

Jase and I ask for your prayers. We ask that you not only pray for Mia’s physical healing but also her emotional and spiritual well-being as we head into her last phase of this cleft journey. These cleft kids are incredibly brave, courageous and determined. However, they are just kids. And they have all the pressures of regular childhood heaped on top of their irregular physical condition. Add this new era of the expected social media perfection, and the pressures mount. Pray for all children, that they are protected from these pressures. Pray for their parents. We’re doing all we can for our children. 

Thank you for your continued support. Cleft families all over the USA are grateful to you all!
Donate at miamoo.org


Carter was born in August 2020 with cleft lip. Carter had forever smile surgery in October. His mom states "Carter is my rainbow baby and when we found out he would be born with a cleft I was in tears not knowing what would happen. If I could go back in time I would have enjoyed every second of my pregnancy and wouldn’t have stressed. We are so lucky God chose us to fall in love with two smiles."

Seeley was adopted in 2017, at 16 months old, from India and came to her new home in Wyoming. In addition to her bilateral cleft lip and palate, she was recovering from hepatitis and had giardiasis. Upon arrival in the US her new parents began working with the amazing cleft team at Salt Lake City Children's Hospital. The way she had learned to eat and drink as a baby was to use her hand to more food and liquid further back. Unfortunately this caused additional widening of the cleft in her palate. She has had 5 surgical procedures thus far, including graft and nasal reconstruction work. She will have a second bone graft attempt in another year or so. Seeley is four years old; full of energy, tough as nails, and a fun little person! She enjoys walks, bike rides, playing with her brothers and sister, and loves dogs more than anyone we know. She has speech therapy twice a week and will start kindergarten next fall.
With lots of adoption travel expenses and an immediate need for medical care upon returning to the US with Seeley, the Mia Moo Fund stepped in to help us at a critical time. It made us feel loved and supported, and we are so thankful to be part of the Mia Moo family. Glenn (Seeley's dad) 
Deck of standard playing cards with the Mia Moo cartoon kids on back of each card. 100% of the purchase price will go to help cleft families. For every deck of cards ordered, a free autographed picture of Mia will be included.             Limited supply.
Thank you for your support!

February Monthly Reflection

1 family helped with financial assistance in February
111 families helped with financial assistance to date.
18 applications in various stages of process.
$475,000.00 in financial assistance awarded to date.

$19,600 donated in February!! THANK YOU!
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A small way that everyone can help is to add Mia Moo Fund as your charity to your Amazon Smile account. You just need to add Worldwide Foundation in West Monroe, LA , Mia Moo Fund is a 501 (c) (3) under Worldwide. You need to shop on Smile Amazon and a donation will be made of .5% for each eligible purchase. You only have to add your charity once and it will be saved. 
Copyright © 2020 Mia Moo Fund, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
117 Kings Lane
West Monroe, LA 71292

Thank you for your continued support