December Newsletter

Hey y'all! I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This Christmas I got to spend so much time with my family and friends. We had such a fun time singing around the piano while I played us some Christmas tunes! For Christmas, we took a trip to watch our favorite team play, the Saints! 

Coming up in the new year we will have a big announcement about a future project coming up here at MiaMoo! So stay tuned friends!

We love you all and we hope you have a blessed New Year! -Mia 
Our family is so blessed with sweet friends and family this holiday season!

Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with all things MIA MOO!
FACEBOOK: @Mia Moo Fund
INSTAGRAM: @miamoofund
Donate HERE 


At 35 weeks pregnant Jameson's mom went in for a routine ultrasound. The ultrasound tech flipped it to 4D for fun and as a former LD nurse she noticed what she thought was a cleft right away and immediately asked the tech if she saw one too. Initially, she said no. However, a few minutes later she stopped and said "actually I do think I see a cleft".  His diagnosis was confirmed an hour later by Perinatologist.  Immediately she became overcome with worry and the tears would not stop.  For the first 3 days after finding out all she did was cry.  To say she was emotional was an understatement. She was immediately afraid of so many things. Mostly, it was fear of the unknown. Because, if she had known how perfect everything would turn out and how things would be today...She wouldn't have been afraid at all. Jameson is beautiful and perfect and if she could go back...She would absolutely change nothing about him. We are created in the image of God and Jameson is no exception. 


Gavin was born in September of 2011. Along with a unilateral cleft lip and palate, Gavin had a heart condition that required heart surgery at just 11 days old. At 2 months of age, his lip was closed, and soft palate closure at 1 year of age. Gavin has had a few sets of ear tubes placed and a nasal revision 2 years ago. We are preparing for Gavin’s bone graft surgery this month. Gavin has never let anything slow him down in life. Gavin loves BIG, plays BIG, soaks up all the fun moments, and just enjoys the sweet things in life. Gavin enjoys playing with friends, soccer, baseball, and of course video games. Gavin really doesn’t acknowledge his cleft, because it really isn’t anything he seems to be concerned with. I pray that he always has that mindset and doesn’t let a cleft or anything interfere with his happy heart and love for all the things life has to offer.  We are beyond grateful to the MiaMoo foundation for the financial support in finishing his first phase of orthodontics, as well as for the emotional support and guidance as we navigate this journey. Gavin's mom


Austin is 11 years old and was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. He has had over ten surgeries that included bilateral bone graft, lip repair, palate repair , multiple sets of tubes and dental work. We still has a long way to go but she wouldn’t change a thing. He loves to sing, dance and be the center of attention. We will be forever thankful for the Mia Moo fund!  Austin's mom

Meet the 2021 annual Mia Moo Funday shirt! Bella Canvas Tri Blend T-Shirt. Super Soft. Limited quantities. “Remember whose you are” the theme of the 2021 Funday on front of shirt.
Thank you for your support!

December Monthly Reflection

4 families helped with financial assistance in December
123 families helped with financial assistance to date.
28 applications in various stages of process.
$525,000.00 in financial assistance awarded to date.

$62,500 donated in December!! THANK YOU!
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Shop and help the Mia Moo Fund 
A small way that everyone can help is to add Mia Moo Fund as your charity to your Amazon Smile account. You just need to add Worldwide Foundation in West Monroe, LA , Mia Moo Fund is a 501 (c) (3) under Worldwide. You need to shop on Smile Amazon and a donation will be made of .5% for each eligible purchase. You only have to add your charity once and it will be saved.